Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Sketches LO2

I will use a Canon 650D with a standard lens and a tripod for all the pictures.
It will be taken at eye level. The deep depth of field shows that homeless people almost bled into the background to most people and that they shouldn't. Also that the facts about homeless people are the things that surround them.

This will also be taken at eye level. I want it to connote that everyone has dreams as a child and that homeless people didn't achieve that dream. I wanted this photo to make people empathise with the homeless people because everyone can relate to having a childhood dream job.

I will use a show shutter speed to capture the movement. This will connote that the move the world still goes round when people are suffering. Also that people need to notice people more. 

For my photos will be taken with a Canon 650D I will need a tripod and some cardboard.

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